AVG Privacystatement

Crystal Quest 
Professionele-biosensor is based at Vossegatselaan 59 BS, 3583 RR Utrecht  -  TEL: +31(0) 6 3562 8683, Netherlands, is resposable for the processing op personal data as defined in this privacy statement.
Contact data:
Vossegatselaan 59 BS 
3583 RR Utrecht, Netherlands
+316 3562 8983
M.E. Brugman is the responsible employee for data security and can be reached at info@professionele-biosensor.com
Personal data we process
Professionele Bio-sensor processes personal data because u use our services through eiter one of our websites or webshops or because you provide this data to us yourself. Below you find an overview of the personal data we process:
- First and Family name
- Address
- Phone number
- E-mail adress
- Other personal data that you actively provide in phone and/or other correspondence of any kind with us.
- Bank account number
Exeptional and/or sensitive personal data we process
Our website/webshop has no intention to collect personal data of visitors under the legal age of 16 years unless they have permission of ther parents or legal guardians. However we have no means to check is visitors are over the legal age of 16 years. We advise parents to monitor the online activities of children and thus prevent that personel data cabn be collected without the consent of parents or legal guardian.If however you are conviced we collected personal data of a minor, please contact us at algemeen@crystalquest.nl, we will immediatly delete this data.
For wat purpose and grounds we process personal data
Professionele Bio-sensor processes your personal data for the following purposes: 
- to process your payments of orders 
- to be able to call you if nesseccary to provide our service to you.
- To ship your goods and services to you
- Professionele Bio-sensor also processes personal data as part of our legal obligations, for instance tax statements. 
Automated desisions
Professionele Bio-sensor does not have any automated processes to make any decisions based on personal data we collect atopics that can have (serious) impact for persons. This involves desisions made by computerprogramms or -systems. 
How long we store personal data
Professionele Bio-sensor does not store your personal data any longer than strictly nessaccary for realising the goals that made it nessseccary to collect the personal data. We store the named personal data in this statement for 2 years. This is nesseccary to keep our obigations of guarantee and support oblogations.
Sharing personal data with thirth parties
Professionele Bio-sensor will only share data with thith parties if this is nesseccary for providing our agreement with customers or to adhere to legal obligations.
Cookies, or comparable techniques we use
Professionele Bio-sensor uses no cookies or other comparable techniques.
See, edit or remove personal data
You have the right to see your stored personal data, to edit false personal data or to remove personal data.Allso you have the right to revoke the consent to use your personal data and to object the use of  your personal data by Professionele Bio-sensor. You have the right for datatransfer, meaning you can hand in a request with us to provide a file of any personal data we have of you to you or any other person named by you. to You can adress this request for viewing, editting, removal or tranferral of your personal data at info@professionele-biosensor.com.
To make sure this request is originated by you we will only provide the data if the next to the request you allso provide us with a copy of your  ID. In this copy you can black-oput any sensitive information as your passfoto, MRZ (machine readable zone), paspoortnumber and  Burgerservicenummer (BSN)/ Social security number. This to protect your privacy. we will react as soon as possible, but within 4 weeks on  your request. Professionele Bio-sensor allso likes to point out that you have the right to complain at the Dutch Authority Personal Data. You can do so visiting next URL: https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/contact-met-de-autoriteit-persoonsgegevens/tip-ons
How we secure your personal data
Professionele Bio-sensor takes protecting your personal data very serious and takes appropriate measures to prevent loss, misues, unauthorised access, unwanted publishing and unauthorised editting. If you feel your data is not protected propperly or if you have the impression your personal data is misused, please contact us at +316 3562 8683